Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Quiet Place near Keswick Dam

Today I decided to paint up near Keswick Dam, in Redding, CA. I found this great big tree - oak or cottonwood - truth be told, I'm still not sure, because it was on the other side of the River. Under the tree was this peaceful spot, perfect for a picnic! Every time I passed this spot, I longed to sit under that tree and read a book, take a nap, and simply enjoy the quiet.

Of course, I am constantly thinking of different ways to paint things I have already painted.. that's what makes me a forever student, but I enjoyed painting this one. 

Here it is:

A Quiet Place near Keswick Dam
oil on canvas
pallet knife and brush
copyright Raette Meredith 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Years Crags - Plein Aire

Yesterday we went to the Crags again, the most dramatic mountains around here, I just love to paint them.
"New Year Crags" (detail) 10" x 30" oil/pallet knife copyright Raette Meredith 2013

"New Year Crags" 10" x 30" oil/pallet knife copyright Raette Meredith 2013
On location "New Year Crags" 10" x 30" oil/pallet knife copyright Raette Meredith 2013