Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Patriot - a Redding Eagle

This is Patriot, one of Redding's Eagles that many in the community watched from their beginning as eggs. Now fully grown, we watch them soar high above the Sacramento River and are reminded of our freedom, and during wartime, of the cost.

I found Redding Eagles' facebook page and saw they were raising money to relocate the camera to the eagles' new nest. The stunning photography inspired me to paint the eagles and contribute 20% of the sales from the paintings to Friends of the Redding Eagles.

This painting was inspired by a photograph by Renae Tolbert, 2012
9"x12" oil on canvas board
pallet knife
copyright Raette Meredith 2012

The Price of the painting is $100 and it is unframed. If interested in purchasing "Patriot" please contact Raette at raette@charter.net.

Thank you so much!


  1. Hello Raette! Thanks so much again. What is the price on the painting and how will people get in touch with you to purchase it?

    I absolutely love it. You did an AMAZING job on it!

    I have to ask you, how did you choose this particular picture out of all the ones posted on Facebook? I am so honored!
    God Bless,
    Renae Tolbert

    1. Wow! Thank you so much Renae! I just added some purchase information to the post. The price is $100, and it is ready to frame. If someone is interested in the painting,they can contact me at raette@charter.net.
      Thank you again!
      Raette :)
