Saturday, November 16, 2013


I just woke up to my first real snow!!! It's REALLY snowing, not in-between slush or intermitant flakes here and there. It's actually snowing and piling up in the yard. Everything is getting covered in white - it's bright and silently falling, and it hasn't let up all morning!

So I was all excited and came out and commented on it to my husband. Having lived in Montana for nearly 10 years of his youth and young adult life, he is my resource for things to come. He told me that this is nothing! He says that in a snow storm I won't be able to see past the hood of my car. Sheesh!

I am sure that if you are from a snow state you are probably laughing at my naivety. Bear with me! I am loving every minute of this new experience, and every dorky moment of awe is excitement! Wahooo!

So today I am painting little bells (little pieces of Montana) for the Christmas display at the Gallery, Paint Metal and Mud. Some of them will have extra long string/leather attached so they can be attached to walking sticks to ward off bears! Rar!

Have a great day, and I will post some pics of the bells when I'm done!

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