Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jazz Mural - Day 3 - All suited up!

Today I worked on the Jazz mural again, as you can see. The focus today was on blocking in the suits and highlighting instruments. Tomorrow will be the last day, and I will fine tune the instruments and finish up the hands.
Jazz Mural - Day 3
All suited up
copyright Raette Meredith 2012

I also decided that the background was a little plain so I experimented with some shapes and came up with a simple oval to frame in the players. The client's room colors are blues, greys and purples/magentas/rose.this is what I came up with:

Jazz Mural - background concept - to be completed on Day 4
copyright Raette Meredith 2012


  1. How fun! Looking great! I miss doing Murals! Keep up the great work! Winne Crossley

  2. Thank you so much Winne! I have to say.. murals are my favorite to do!

  3. This is super, Raette. You just keep getting better and better. I'm proud of you. Big :)

  4. Thank you so much Lorena!!! Loving every minute!
